Your designers are so infantile!! Such stupid looking characters!! Come up wiyh something more realistic and not so childish! Won't buy any of that crap!
I really love, seeing something different is pleasing to the eye and changes your outlook, so we are here in Farmville donndepuedes dream and create as you please, thanks ...
February 27, 2011 at 5:30 AM
send me this cow
February 27, 2011 at 5:36 AM
gimme a break! not wasting my fv cash on that infantile cow!
February 27, 2011 at 5:38 AM
I keep seeing these things but never how to get one
I will NOT be wasting FC on that fugly thing!
hat is aesome pesesend me one
Your designers are so infantile!! Such stupid looking characters!! Come up wiyh something more realistic and not so childish! Won't buy any of that crap!
send me hula cow
send me hula cow
Love the Hula Cow!!!
DOREEN D. loves this little guy calf aqnd im really excited of whats to come
Think maybe he's a "Parot head"? He needs to live here on the Gulf coast! He'd fit right in!
I would like one too!!
how do we get them?
cute cow and thanks for all the things you do for us i love this game
i like it .please send me one.
I really love, seeing something different is pleasing to the eye and changes your outlook, so we are here in Farmville donndepuedes dream and create as you please, thanks ...
send me this cow
gimme a break! not wasting my fv cash on that infantile cow!
I keep seeing these things but never how to get one
send me this cow
send me this cow
Really tired of seeing all these bonus on this site and NOWHERE else
I never buy anything Farm Cash is way to hard to come by, anyway it's ugly