Farmville Golden Apple, Giant Golden Apple & Big Caramel Apple Trees have made their way to the Farmville Market. These trees are now also available in the Farmville Market to be purchased using Farm Cash. These trees will remain in the Farmville Market till March 27th, 2011.
These Trees can also be obtain by growing up mystery seedlings.
Farmville Fairy Tale Themed Trees: Releasing Feb 21st, 2011
Farmville Golden Apple Tree: 5 Farm Cash
Farmville Giant Golden Apple Tree: 10 Farm Cash
ice to see some evolopment for trees,what about wather?
ilove all the differnt trees
ilove all the differnt trees
i wish that we could buy the trees with farm cash coins instead of dollars. i love the trees but can not get them so sad.
would like to have these trees,but why cant we get them by using our coins and not just F/V money.. for us who do not have enough or any F/V money cant get them..please make it available to us who use the coins..another suggestion..
i also like the trees and wish we could buy them with coins instead of F/V cashscowd
Love these trees. Just can't buy with coins. Don't have FV cash.
WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS MAKE EVERYTHING SO COMPLICATED? THERE SHOULD B SOMETHING MORE POSSABLE FOR US TO ENJOY AND RELAX WITH ON THESE GAMES TO PLAY THEN HOW R WE GOING TO BUY-BUY-BUY. Isn't these games suppose to B fun also. Everytime I turn around now it is FV cash. Where is the fun in that; if I want that much fun I can sit at my desk and pay my bills again or go to the grocert store or the gas station!!! So stop with all of this fun?